Why Choose ProVen Probiotics?
Not all friendly bacteria are equal. When choosing your friendly bacteria supplement, always look for the following 12 criteria as a start point and then select the best product(s) to suit you and your family.

Human strains
The strains used in ProVen Probiotics were originally isolated from the gut microbiota of healthy humans and screened for appropriate characteristics and safety. They are naturally present in our intestines, but their numbers can be reduced due to stresses of our modern lifestyle.

The human gut contains thousands of different strains of live bacteria (from different groups and species) and multi-strain products have been shown to work synergistically to support this diversity.
The Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria groups (genera) of probiotic bacteria are the most studied and ProVen Probiotics contain two strains of each group and additional Lactobacillus strains when suited to a particular product.

Clearly defined strain numbers
ProVen Probiotics products contain the Lab4 and Lab4b consortia of bacteria, which contain the following strains – the strain numbers are clearly labelled in brackets.
Lab4 – Lactobacillus acidophilus CUL60, Lactobacillus acidophilus (CUL21), Bifidobacterium bifidum (CUL20), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (CUL34)
Lab4b – Lactobacillus salivarius (CUL61), Lactobacillus paracasei (CUL08), Bifidobacterium bifidum (CUL20), Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (CUL34)

Evidence that the bacteria survive stomach and bile acids
The stomach is an acidic environment and friendly bacteria need to be able to survive this to reach the microbiota in the intestines. ProVen Probiotics are held in suspension in their various formats until they reach the stomach. Taking them with food will ensure that the pH of the stomach allows them to pass into the small intestine alongside the food as it is digested.
Click here for evidence that ProVen Probiotic strains pass through the acid in the stomach.

Safety is a key consideration when choosing any supplement.
As well as having a vast number of ongoing customers of ProVen products (including children, babies and pensioners), ProVen Probiotics are continuously being scrutinised in research studies and were specifically approved for use in a trial with pregnant mums and their newborn babies and shown to be completely safe for use by these vulnerable groups.

Commitment to research
ProVen Probiotics and the Lab4 bacteria that they contain are supported by a strong body of research published in peer-reviewed journals and we are involved in a continuous research programme to support the efficacy of the products we sell.

Survival at room temperature
As an expert manufacturer of friendly bacteria, ProVen Probiotics are able to ensure that high potency products are stable for 18-24 months in room temperature conditions. Our manufacturing processes are optimised to increase stability of the bacteria at every stage.

Guaranteed bacteria count to expiry
The TriPhase and StabilityMax technology used to manufacture ProVen Probiotics products, guarantees the stated number of live bacteria to the expiry date of the product. We utilise optimise ‘gas-tight’ packaging and ‘overage’ of bacteria to ensure this.

Manufactured to cGMP standards
ProVen Probiotics are manufactured to current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and accredited by the MHRA (Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency). GMP provide requirements that a manufacturer must meet to ensure products are consistently high in quality.

Positive independent reviews
ProVen Probiotics is part of Feefo, an independent and therefore unbiased review service, and all our online customers are asked by Feefo to provide honest feedback about our products and the experience they had when purchasing from us.

Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives
None of the ProVen Probiotics products contain artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
Full details of the ingredients for each product can be found on the product info page.

GMO free
Our manufacturing facility is 100% free of genetically modified organisms. We do not handle genetically modified ingredients and will never include them in our products.
How are ProVen Probiotics Different?
ProVen Probiotics contain the unique Lab4 probiotic strains. This group of strains is one of the very few probiotic cultures that have been rigourously studied over the past 15 years to demonstrate consistent health benefits ranging from allergy prevention in infants to reduction of all symptoms (bloating, pain, discomfort) in people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Other studies conducted at Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge have shown that Lab4 can reduce the levels of ‘bad bacteria’ following antibiotic treatment, as well as reducing the incidence of diarrhoea caused by the ‘superbug’ Clostridium difficile.
ProVen Probiotics have also been developed based upon 30 years of research and development in probiotic bacteria and products. As well as the Lab4 bacteria, the team of scientists behind ProVen Probiotics have identified a process to add other nutrients, such as vitamins and immune enhancing ingredients such as elderberry, to the supplements without destabilising the Lab4 bacteria.
As a result, ProVen Probiotics offers a range of products that include continuously researched live bacteria and key nutrients to support health.
Can you take too much friendly bacteria?
No, it is virtually impossible to overdose on probiotics. We all have billions (some estimates say trillions) of ‘friendly’ bacteria in our body and these are constantly being replaced. ProVen Probiotics containing Lab4 strains of friendly bacteria can help this replacement process and support a balanced microflora. Taking very large amounts may mildly increase frequency of bowel movement.
How can I identify a good probiotic supplement?
The European Consensus, taken in 2004, outlines a number of criteria to help people distinguish good quality probiotics as follows:
- Have clinically proven health benefits demonstrated using rigorous scientific trials (randomised, double blind, and placebo controlled designed trials).
- Are alive and reach the gut in sufficient number, surviving gastric and bile acid and digestive enzymes during the gastro-intestinal transit until they reach the gut.
- Are clearly defined using modern biological detection methods.
- Are clearly labeled, including the genus (eg. Lactobacillus), the strain e.g acidophilus Cul -21) and amount e.g 10 billion.
- Are shelf stable, thus guaranteeing delivery of the quantity of probiotic until the date of expiry.
ProVen Probiotics containing Lab4 probiotic strains satisfy all these criteria.
Are ProVen Probiotics natural?
Yes, the friendly bacteria used in all ProVen Probiotics products are naturally sourced and cultured.